Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Survey- What would you do if you had more time to do it, but you don't, because you're always WORKING?

I have a quick little question. As seen above... What would you do?

I've wondered this a lot over the last fews day, because, well, I have time to do other things now that I'm not working. But I can't remember any of the things I always dreamed of doing when I was working. Maybe if you post your comments with the things you wish you could be doing but can't (because you work), I'll remember the things I should be doing and can (because I don't), and do those things and/or do your things as well.

Then one way or another, I'll be doing more of something, soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Skateboard. I would skateboard all the time. And cook food. And make more things, like clothes.