it's funny... how one person can live very different lives, depending on the surroundings. I have two - three, if you count this blog - and maybe more.
gliding into your new/old self again after a brief adjustment period - in those desperate moments when current friends, possessions and cityscapes are missed - can be confusing as hell and feel right simultaneously.
where do I belong? can I miss and hate a place at the same time?
I took a trip home this week--a term split between two cities (well, one is actually more a town than a city). I travel a full day to get to my parent's house, out in the middle of nowhere.
I say "middle of nowhere" in comparative terms. compared to where I live now, compared to my other home-city, because middle of nowhere can accurately and quickly communicate this to you people who live in cities, like me. My family wouldn't think it's middle of nowhere and I never thought so growing up; and I didn't feel that while I was there this week, loving every minute of it.
what does this mean? I have no freaking idea. just something I was thinking about, now that I'm back.
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