Friday, October 5, 2007

Meditating in the Free World

So the meditation protest was cool.

If you've never meditated to protest a government, I recommend you give it a try. The fulfillment that can come with two to three hours of your day devoted to thinking about and praying for (if you will) the good of a people is unbeatable. You see, because it's possible we barely think of anything these days for more than a few moments. And most of the thoughts that pop up in our minds are just what we don't want to think about-- work, relationship problems, money, money, etc.

Almost no time to do good, let alone think good.

So what I can say at the end of my first couple weeks of unemployment, to any fellow unemployed spirits out there, who likewise suffer thoughts of "loser" and "deadbeat" that can creep into an unburdened mind, is: Think of all the good things you can do now and feel damn good about it! This is the meaning of life, no?

Then, after the protest, I went out with some filmmakers in town for a film festival and got drunk. I feel like crap. I haven't left the apartment all day.


I now (yes, now, still, at 7pm at night the next day) have the most wicked mojito-after-red-and-white-wine hangover. We were out until around 4 or 5, it's hard to know for sure.

I just can't help staying out late with cool people. These folks are from all over the place, like every continent, and we just sit and talk and drink it up like only filmmakers do. This was my favorite part of the job (Tidbit: I used to work for said film festival.) And the sweet moment I savored yesterday was knowing I can can the maddening work and still have the romps. Life is precious.

On a side note-- I promise to have real photos and video up soon. I'm in the middle of conspiring a delicious purchase.... the digital camera of my dreams! Don't ask me how I'm going to pay for it. There's just way too much cool stuff happening out there during the day while you're all work and you've got to see it....

I'm off to an another party.

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