Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Working the Fashion in D.C.

Listen, I've been asked by a very dear friend to also discuss my prowess for fashion and style, which is shockingly more and more possible in this town thanks to all of the awesome boutiques moving into U St and Georgetown, but a feat which is nevertheless still against the odds for most of us. I'm gonna blame the lack of inspiration that follows seeing your clothing under neon lights in the typical DC workday, rudely suggesting your just gonna look like crap anyway.

I'll start off easy. I'll drop you a note here and there. I'll add a column of links devoted to shops and shopping news. Quiz: Did anyone make it to the Unsung Designers closing fiesta? You're already one step behind....

If we're going to talk about clothing and fashion, it's only responsible that I also discuss a little about fashion morals and ethics. Yes, there are moral requirements you must consider if you are to take my advice and advance to be an independent, confident, hip, young fashionista (that noun works for both men and women).

What do I mean? I am of the school of "fashion as self-expression." Use clothing as a means to create an image, like a painter, of yourself and what your about. Following the trends blindly, buying what's "in," looking like a cut-out from a 1. Ambercrombie, 2. J Crew, 3. US Magaizine with stick-straight hair, tan- and gloss-overload is so BORING.

Buy good quality clothing that fits you well, is what you really want (this makes you confident), and is also AHEAD OF THE CURVE and you will be happy in ways you never dreamed! And why not? If you do this right, there's nothing wrong with spending the money on clothes, it makes sense, it's the first thing you put in front of other people, it's who you are, what you're about. Look at indie-chics and hipsters and women who wear heels. It WORKS.

So I have two recommendations today. First - Tonight is Femme Fete, a holiday shopping event at the Four Season's in Georgetown. It's $30 dollars, but you get free wine a totally non-committal opportunity to hit one spot and see many local designers (local and original designs are very high on the list of desirables for the individual YOU), to get quality samples, to possibly unveil the PERFECT item (on-sale, affordable, EXACTLY what you wanted) for you or your Secret Santa, OR, to give you ideas for the next time you shop at Filene's and put the ensemble together yourself. I recommend this to anyone serious about moving to the next level. You don't have to buy a thing, just OBSERVE AND LEARN, for godssake.

My second recommendation throws you straight into the
advanced level, but it's so attainable, you can handle it. The
clothing line Sustainable Collective has a new holiday collection that, if selected properly and before the holidays begin, may pre-empt the post-holiday regrets of gorging yourself uncontrollably because you already picked out the kick-ass dress for New Year's that you MUST fit into or risk wasting that good money. Plus - and MOST IMPORTANTLY - everything at Sustainable is made from organic fibers, pre and post-consumer recycled materials or from sustainably-grown fibers like hemp and bamboo. Available at Caramel on U Street. Don't care about the environment? At least do it for the conversations to ensue after you declare, "Can you believe this hot dress is made from recycled fish nets?" This will undoubtedly make you fashionable on several levels: the ultimate fashionista.

Now if I can only get a job to be able to buy more clothes....


Anonymous said...

Hallelujah!!! I NEED this now, more than ever. Thanks, Jobless Girl! :)MM

Anonymous said...

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