Saturday, June 7, 2008

American Cheese

Some friends and I were at the Mayflower yesterday, eating a cheese plate and drinking it up, when we got onto the topic of yummy, artisinal cheeses and the very trendy shop that recently opened in Chinatown. I saw a documentary not long ago about how European-style cheeses weren't produced in U.S. before three or four decades ago. I then explained, "Cheddar is the only cheese we can call American," and a friend said, "No, cheddar is English!"

So am I to understand that we Americans can take credit of the processed, gooey slices of Kraft singles and nothing else?

What a catastrophe! I exclaimed... yet each and every one of my friends noted the unique melting quality of sliced singles and shared their favorite ways to eat it: In a sandwich, in grilled cheese, on top of a cracker, etc.

I found this refreshing somehow, I'm not sure why.

In other news, take a look at what I was surrounded by over the weekend:

My ridiculously cute niece and the ridiculously cute things she would do.

Family is fantastic. And maybe... like American cheese... it's nice to have an option in life that is unpretentious, dependable and sobering.


Anonymous said...

Some people knock things intrinsically American... but like you said. Sometimes it's just nice to enjoy the simplicity of it. I don't always want to savor cheese or decode the subtle notes of a cheese. Sometimes I just want cheese. Plain. Simple.

Also, your niece... so cute.

Unknown said...

cheese is cheese... I mean do you really care where it originated? LOL the jobless amuse me. says the comedian who sits at Starbucks all day talking to crazy people!

Richard Jennings said...

Yes unemployment is up as a statistic but every one person that wants to find a job can if they choose to. Lots of 75k, 100K and 150K jobs left...see for yourself.

Stats are just stats...

Jobless said...

whatlizsaid: yeah, it's nice to chill about cheese every once in a while. and thanks, she is so cute!

kricket: totally, cheese is cheese. you should try Big Bear for coffee... though I don't know if you'll me your crazy quota.

richard jennings: have any contacts? actually, I could say I've been employed full-time at resume spamming while waiting to get jobs thanks to contacts, does that count? JK. Freelancing can have rough spots, but I'm one of the lucky to get by.